1. Are
you male or female?
the selected box below

Male Female
2. How
old are you?
the selected box below

15-18 19-21
22-25 26+
3. Within
a thriller film, what would you see is your preferred age certificate?
the selected box below

12 15 18
4. What
advertisement would you say attracts you into a thriller the most?
the selected box below

TV Posters Recomm- Other
5. What
are you expectations of a thriller film?
your choice below
Flashbacks, main characters as hero,
protagonist/ antagonist (goodie/baddie), night scenes, car involvement,
weapons, blood or other
6. What
type of sound would you say works best within a thriller film?
your choice below
Tension building, suspense sound, various sound
effects, horror sounds or other
7. What
characters do you intend to watch within a thriller film?
your choice below
One main character, 2 characters (male/female),
group of main characters, young characters, old characters
8. What well-known
actors are expected to be seen in a thriller movie? Make a lost of the selected actors below
9. What
setting within a thriller film would you say is most effective?
your choice
A creepy house, graveyard, outdoors, haunted
room, street, alley way or other
10. What
other genres do you think works well when combined with a thriller film?
the selected box below

Comedy Action/ Crime Other
11. Would
you prefer a thriller film to start with a story line and work its way through
to the main plot or start with a scary opening and use flashbacks throughout
the rest of the film?
your answer on the dotted lines below
Questionnaires are important to our study as we can find out what people want in a thriller film and we can then appeal to the publics general needs. We shared this questionnaire with 40 people so we could get a large sample so we can therefore find out our needs to input our thriller film, we shared this between our group by handing out 10 sheets each and then coming together and putting all our answers together.
This post shows your understanding of why questionnaires are essential to consider, especially when considering a target audience