Monday 1 October 2012


Strangers part 3

The first edit i picked up on whilst watching the Strangers was a reaction shot. The is when the subject looks outside to see if the person that was knocking at the door was still outside. This shows how she has reacted to the previous shot. This shows how the subject is scared and reacting to the dangers surrounding her, it also allows the audience relate to what they would do in such a situation. This relates to thriller films as it makes the audience feel suspense and anticipation that someone is around her house and she could be in possible danger.

The next bit of editing I realised was a jump cut. This is when the subject drops the smoke alarm after the fire starts giving off a lot of smoke and as the alarm hits the floor the door starts to knock again, this is when the camera jumps to the door symbolising a jump cut edit. This could let the audience feel as if they are looking from the subjects point of view as the camera may link in to the subjects sight. This relates to thrillers as if allows the audience to build suspense and feel fear as it would feel as if you are in the film world and felling the horror that the subject is feeling.

The third point that i realized in the clip was slow editing. this is present when the character has just received a knock on the door and as she is walking away she is slowly walking up to the window to see if the person who i knocking on the door is still outside. This edit creates suspense and tension as she is walking to the window because as she separates the curtains it plays on the audiences minds whether the person is there or not and if they were whether they will jump out on you. This is relevant to thriller films as the suspense that is created links to spooking the audience, which is one of the aims of a thriller film.

Watching this and getting to learn how editing works will help me when i come to do my own thriller as i will understand how to build anxiety and suspense throughout my opening scene which links in to thriller films and will enable me to create a effective scene using such effects as slow editing etc.

1 comment:

  1. Your post on editing shows some understanding of how the terminology is used. You have made a start in identifying the main styles and you have also considered the effect this has on the audience well too.

    To make your analysis more detailed you need to include a third point and then embed still images or video links to support the points that you are making.
