Friday 9 November 2012


iconography- we will be in a living room with various props like a lamp, sofa, television, table, this links with our thriller idea as our title is paranormal sleepover which in the title suggests would most likely have to be staged in a living room and therefore that is the idea we are going for. Extra props included will be an Ouija board which links in with the paranormal aspect of our title, this all intwines to make our opening scene relevant to our group narrative. This is conventional to thriller films as the set of the living room will be relevant to our title and can be staged easily with space.

facial expressions and body language - our facial expressions and body language at the start of the scene will be happy and joyful as anyone young teenager is when there with their friends at a sleepover telling secrets etc, but towards the end of the scene when the mishaps start to occur it will change completely and the expressions will turn into scared and shocked. This will link into thriller films as the face will change showing shock and horror towards the audience which will allow the audience to be able feel the emotions the cast are going through.

location - We will be using a freinds house locating in Barkingside, this location was used as it can relate to a real life place which may make the thriller opening more scary.

costumes -  We will be using 'lazy' clothing such as tracksuits and pyjamas as we are at a sleepover however the demon will be dressed in all black with a hood so the face in concealed creating an enigma towards our scene.

lighting- Our lighting will start fairly light while focusing on the girls however whenever the stalker is in picture or something bad is happening there will be dim or no light used this is to emphasis that the stalker is not good and the audience will realise that with the use of dark lighting.

position of characters - The main cast consisting of the girls will be in the centre of the camera throughout the whole of the scene however there will be various jump cuts to that stalker, this will link in to the thriller genre as the stalker is always around the house the victims are in and may be seen by the audience as creepy or eery.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining the mise-en-scene of your film, which shows some evidence of planning skills.

    To develop your planning further you need to explain how your mise-en-scene is conventional to a thriller film and then include still images from your thriller, to support the points that you have made above.
