and there relevance to Scream 1 opening scene
Sounds are used in thriller films to create suspense
or anxiety in different situations to entice the audience into the film.
The sound that I acknowledged first was a diagetic
sound. The evidence to this point is that Drew Barrymore is on the phone to the
killer, this is diagetic as we can see her on the phone and the audience can
hear the conversation. The reasoning behind this sound and scene is that the
audience now know who has been targeted by the murderer, it links in with
thriller films as the audience now recognise something is coming which raises suspension.
The next sound that I realised was an off screen one.
After the diagetic sound of the killer saying he is looking at his victim a dog
starts barking that we can not see which may show that the killer may be inside
the grounds and closer to his victim than we think. This links in with
thrillers/horrors as the audience suspense is once again raised as he gets
closer and closer to Barrymore.
The final sound that I analysed from this clip was a parallel
sound as Drew locks the door after the off screen sound of the dog barking as
she is now scared and realised that she is in danger. This ties in with the
genre of the film as Drew is starting to panic and we know that the killer is
The purpose of sounds in thriller films are usually that to build suspense and anticipation towards the audience, Various eery sounds and loud booms are all in relation as it could mean the killer is coming closer or that an attack could be imminent. This analysis has helped me as when i come to c and reate my own thriller opening scene i will be able to include sounds that will help to create a tense suspenseful atmosphere.